<em>Euphemisms</em> are words that "sound good" in the sense that they are neither offensive nor unpleasant.
Thus, they are used to prevent the audience from evoking unpleasant images, at least in a direct way.
They are frequently used when you are talking about some subjects that involve certain parts of the body or of the excretory system.
But, some times they are misused to bend the real true: many speaches from populist or dictators are full of euphemisms, which are aimed to twist the reality.
The audio version of the poem allows the listener to perceive the lack of rhyme and meter, as a way of showing Whitman's disdain for conformity and tradition.
In this case, the last answer option is the correct answer.
We can arrive at this answer as follows:
- To hear the audio version of the poem it is necessary to read it aloud.
- When listening to the poem, the listener will notice the lack of rhyme, musicality, and meter.
- This shows how the poet was disdaining poetical conformity and tradition and this is completely harmonious with the theme of the poem.
The poem shows the recognition of the human being with himself and the association of human life with nature. For the poet, this recognition does not need rules and conformity, but freedom, just like the form of the poem.
This attitude of the poet can be seen even in the structure of the poem, which is inconstant and diversified, not assuming any kind of pattern.
More information:
I can’t see anything
• Climate is the pattern of weather that the region experiences over a long period. Weather changes from time to time or even moment to moment.
• Climate is the weather of a locality averaged over some period (usually 30 years). Weather varies on short term basis.
• Weather is a combination of wind, temperature, cloudiness, precipitation and visibility. The factors affecting climate are mountain ranges, attitudes, large water bodies.
• Weather is dynamic and always changing whereas climatic is constant for a long time may be years or decades.
• Humid is a type of climate whereas rain is a type of weather.
• For example, if it is cool on a particular day then, we are talking about weather but if it is cool over a season for several months then, we are talking about climate.
• Climate is what you expect according to averages of atmospheric conditions collected over several years at a place. Weather is what you get on a particular day.
• Weather is the exact temperature at a given amount. Climate is the overall temperature at a given area.
• Weather changes but climate is not changeable. Climate is recorded over a period whereas weather is the current condition.
In short, climate is the statistical average weather information in a region, whereas weather is the day-to- day state of the atmosphere at a specific place and time. Climate is a study of climatology and weather is a study of meteorology. Small changes in Earth’s orbital pattern around the Sun can have major effects on climate. Human activities also can affect the climate, especially the actions related to the depletion in the ozone layer is an important factor.