September Massacres, French Massacres du Septembre or Journées du Septembre (“September Days”), mass killing of prisoners that took place in Paris from September 2 to September 6 in 1792—a major event of what is sometimes called the “First Terror” of the French Revolution.
Harappan civilization forms an important landmark in the prehistory of the Indian subcontinent. The civilization offers an excellent example to the modern world in various ways. Their expertise in town planning, water management and harvesting systems as well as drainage mechanism is unparalleled.
The main concern of historiography is bias.
Work, Exchange and Technology.
Politics and Power.
America in the World.
Environment and Geography: Human and Physical.
Ideas, Beliefs and Culture.
In the state and area where the crime took place. If a crime is committed in one area, it’s not fair for them to give a trial in an area in which the crime wasn’t located.