jhanjar is the punjabi word and its is jewellery type who used in the feet of women. hope ur help
In aceasta balada este vorba despre zece mesteri,unul dintre ei fiind Manole care voia sa ridice-o manastire.Manastirea nu se putea ridica,asa ca intr-un vis,acestuia i se arata ca pan' nu va jertfi prima femeie ce avea sa vina pe acolo pana atunci nu vor izbuti asa ca se arata ziua urmatoare chiar nevastea mesterului Manole care plangand isi zidi sotioara si apoi de suparare cazu de pe schele intr-un rau alcatuit din lacrimile sale.
Being a hero, means to save someone in need. Being a leader is teaching someone to save themselves! :D
Pass one official Home Langauge with a mark of 40% or more. – Pass four subjects with 50% or more, excluding Life Orientation – Pass any two other subjects with more than 30%