Stating when and how often you will do the steps ,because when you state when and how often you will participate in your action plan, you basically are making a promise to yourself to reach that goal. It is critical to do that because then you know exactly what you will be doing, how you will be doing it, and when you will be doing it.
Human beings have a base biological need for emotional connection with other people. Throughout human evolution, being a part of a group of people was necessary for survival. Our distant ancestors could not survive alone outside in the harsh elements hunting for food and water and seeking shelter and safety. Humans have survived by being able to connect with other people in a manner which allowed them to remain within a group. Being seen as dangerous, selfish, or unable to connect and contribute to the group meant being ostracized and soon after, death.
Even today, without the dangers our distant ancestors faced, our biological systems are strongly geared toward social engagement. The only priority that trumps social engagement is physical survival. This means that our nervous systems are built to respond quickly and automatically, without any thought, to keep us alive AND in connection with other people. Some level of emotional connection is paramount to our survival and health. Feelings of loneliness, detachment, and isolation are not merely due to individual histories or personalities. They are built-in warning signs that we are missing life-sustaining connection with other people.
The health professional who takes care of the case of the boy with fragile X syndrome should know that it is common for patients with this syndrome to have mitral valve prolapse.
Fragile X syndrome (FXS or SXF) is a genetic and hereditary condition, responsible for a large number of cases of mental deficiency and behavioral disorders, affecting one in 2,000 boys and one in 4,000 women. The syndrome is caused by mutations in the FRM1 gene present in a flaw called the fragile site located at the end of the long arm of the X chromosome.
For many carriers of the mutation, fragile X syndrome is asymptomatic. However, it is common for individuals with this syndrome to present behavioral disorders and intellectual impairment that can be present in different degrees, from mild learning or speech difficulties.
Some physical characteristics may suggest the presence of the syndrome from birth. This is the case of macrocephaly and low muscle tone. There are other subtle signs of the syndrome that become more evident with growth. They are: elongated face, large flapping ears, prominent jaw, very high and arched roof of the mouth, strabismus and myopia, joint hyperextension, hollow chest, mitral valve prolapse, recurrent otitis and, in 20% of cases, convulsions.
The answer is c educates you about how to make lifestyle change