Answer: Defamation is "the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel". Therefore no
If the official treaty of the declaration of intemperance isn't multiplied by the diameter of the radius x would be 46 and be subtracted by i.
Lemme break It down to you on foe nem
If the quadrilateral starts in the circumference of the radius the convention source of law wouldn't be able to be multiplied by 6 x 2q unless it is stuck under a bush where I hide my squirrels at.
Other than that you would only get the 42 minus x equals 89 if the declaration independence qualifies as 22986.
Hope this helped
It's accurate to say this. An oral contract involving specifically produced items is enforceable in these circumstances without a written document under the UCC statute of frauds.
<h3>Can you enforce a verbal contract?</h3>
As long as the fundamental components of a contract—an offer, an acceptance, a transfer of consideration, and an agreement on the terms of the contract—are present, oral agreements will typically be upheld in court. An oral contract can be enforced even if non-essential conditions have not been agreed upon.
<h3>Is an oral agreement still binding?</h3>
A handshake agreement may nevertheless qualify as a contract and be upheld by a court, albeit frequently with difficulty. However, verbal agreements might leave room for ambiguity regarding the rights and obligations of each participant. If you don't have anything on a paper outlining what you both agreed to accomplish, a disagreement could occur.
Learn more about oral contract: