Answer: In the early 20th century, most women in the United States did not work outside the home, and those who did were primarily young and unmarried. In that era, just 20 percent of all women were “gainful workers,” as the Census Bureau then categorized labor force participation outside the home, and only 5 percent of those married were categorized as such. Of course, these statistics somewhat understate the contributions of married women to the economy beyond housekeeping and child rearing, since women’s work in the home often included work in family businesses and the home production of goods, such as agricultural products, for sale. Also, the aggregate statistics obscure the differential experience of women by race. African American women were about twice as likely to participate in the labor force as were white women at the time, largely because they were more likely to remain in the labor force after marriage.
The executive departments were created by the United States Congress to manage specific areas of national and international affairs, and several departments are responsible for the administration of federal laws. The heads of the fifteen departments are elected by the President and approved with the advice of the Senate.
If we start to travel from the Mississippi River westwards to the Pacific Coast, than the starting point is a lowland, vast one, as we continue to go towards the west we will encounter high mountains, the Rocky Mountains more specifically, and the elevation will go up to 4,400 meters above sea level, than we will go down, elevation wise, to the high plateaus and will be on elevations between 1,000 and 2,000 meters, and after we go up again to almost 4,400 meters as we cross the Cascade Mountains. After the Cascades we go gradually downwards towards the lowlands, where we will first go a bit bellow sea level, and than little up in the lowlands along the Pacific Coast, and at the end reach a point of zero elevation.
There grew to be over 1,000 city-states in ancient Greece, but the main poleis were Athína (Athens), Spárti (Sparta), Kórinthos (Corinth), Thíva (Thebes), Siracusa (Syracuse), Égina (Aegina), Ródos (Rhodes), Árgos, Erétria, and Elis.
A, all are equal before God. Jesus preached that anyone from the rich to the poor have sinned, and will be judged equally.