Aristarchus’ only extant treatise is “On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon.” In it he calculated the diameter of the Sun as about seven times the diameter of the Earth, thus estimating the Sun’s volume as about 300 times the volume of the Earth
they are positive. No one is going to write you an essay.
Poor pay and discrimination
More education, more training, and more skills can help one earn higher wages in various ways; First, education builds your knowledge and capacity and equips you with knowledge and skills in a particular field or profession. This enables one to earn higher wages; therefore, an improvement in one's education qualifications thus results in higher wages. Secondly, more training increases an individual's skillset where other than one's line of profession individuals acquire training to improve their skills and wages. Lastly, more skills mean that one has increased their number of tasks they can perform which translates to an increase in the number of opportunities and wages one receives.