France first attempted to build the canal in the 1870s. He left quite a few diseases and financial problems behind. Ferdinand de Lessups was the engineer who designed the Suez Canal.
The native Americans used to live in camps and their environment were dry and humid in the summer seen in the picture
The civil liberties that are guaranteed by the American Bill of Rights and protected from government interference and abuse recognize people's unalienable or natural rights - "the great rights of mankind," as James Madison stated. These rights are freedom of religion; freedom of speech, press, petition and assembly; privacy; due process of law; and equality before the law.
The first World War began in 1914 with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and involved Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia and the United States among others. During World War I, the civilian population of Great Britain was greatly affected through Zeppelin bombing raids and Gotha bombings in London. In Germany nearly 800,000 people died due to starvation or starvation-caused disease as a result of the British blockade. Furthermore, the Armenian genocide occurred during World War I, in which Armenian citizens were killed and deported by the Turks.
As a result of the ugly nature of the war and its global scope, citizens began seeking more radical solutions within politics. Bolshevism, Fascism and National Socialism developed in Europe, and citizens within the United States retreated to an isolationist mindset as a result of the war. World War I greatly impacted the status of nations around the globe, and nations such as France and Russia were demoralized through the spread of German propaganda.
Most states require the following:
- Age (usually 18)
- Citizenship (U.S.)
- Residency (proof that you live in the town)
- Registration (many states now have same-day registration)
Some states
- No felony record
Mr. Pacey
JH/HS Social Studies Teacher