Organ. An organ is a system of tissues that work together on a larger scale to do certain jobs within an animal's body. Examples of organs are the brain, heart and lungs. Anatomy is an example of a biology specialty concerned with this level.
Interphase, lasting 18 of the 20 hours cycle
b. thick wall.
Endospore is a structure formed by some bacteria, that help them survive unfavourable conditions (e.g. lack of nutrients). This survival strategy of some bacteria (usually Gram+ bacteria) help them stay dormant for a while, until stressful conditions stop. A thick wall composed of many layers (exosporium, spore coat, spore cortex, core wall) of the endospore is what provides resistance to different stressful chemical and physical factors such as UV radiation, temperature, chemical damage etc.
The biome concept organizes large-scale ecological variation. Terrestrial biomes are distinguished primarily by their predominant vegetation, and are mainly determined by temperature and rainfall.