I would tell the Slavs that our god is actually the same as their gods and that we name it differently and present him in a diffferent light and that he has shown us the right way and that they should subject tmeselves to his will which will save them from eternal hell.
Implicit prejudice; explicit prejudice.
As the exercise explains, both of this cases of prejudice involves negative attitudes against a certain individual, person, group, etc. In the first case, the implicit, the attitude is not openly talked, verbalized; it's unspoken. But, in the second case, the explicit prejudice involves the awareness of hatred or negative attitude of the individual. So, overall, in the first case the person is not completely aware of the thoughts, attitude or feelings, but on the second case it is completely.
Foreclosure Identity formation
Foreclosure Identity formation describes when individuals believe that they know who they are and what they want without exploring other options at their disposal.
Take for example Shannon had the options of worshiping in other churches asides Catholic. But she chooses to identify as a Catholic and become Catholic after attending just one mass.
Shannon could have even embraced Islam if she accompanied a Muslim friend to pray in a mosque. In summary, Shannon had many options to choose regarding religion but she settled for Catholicism.
c. Political culture.
Political culture is the name given to the set of attitudes and beliefs that define the political process and behaviour in the political system. It includes all the underlying assumptions and rules that people have about how they should be governed. It includes citizens' values and ideas about how government should function. Political culture is influenced by the culture of a place and the individual experiences of people.