Oh gosh, I had to listen to an audio recording of me doing a speech for my English class to make sure I got it all so this is the perfect time for me to answer this!
What I liked about that way I presented myself is that I was actually able to get all my points across, and in the right order, without going away from the script to much.
What I didn't like for one was my voice (lol) so if I could rerecord that but have someone else speaking for me who sounds more confident and less like me that would be great. Another thing I didn't like was that I sounded nervous, so my points didn't come across as well as they did on paper.
Improvements I would make is actually practicing before diving headfirst into recording, so I can hopefully make they come across stronger. I would also ahead of time research a bit more than I did, and add more facts to the actual debate.
I hope this is a good answer to your questions><
Answer and Explanation:
Holden means that he wants children to stop growing up so they don't need to face the adult problems that he has delt with.
"Phoebe points out that Holden has misheard the words—the actual lyric, from the Robert Burns poem, “Coming Thro' the Rye,” is “If a body meet a body coming through the rye” (Sparknotes).
Following the victory at Troy, he and his men sail to Ismarus, the stronghold of the Cicones. With apparent ease, they sack the city, kill the men, enslave the women, and enjoy a rich haul of plunder. Odysseus advises his men to leave immediately with their riches, but they ignore his warnings.
Hope this helps :)
I can't write the whole summary for you, but writing a summary is quite easy. Just take the main point of each chapter (in your case). Write the main point and what it caused. Kinda like cause and effect. Do this for each chapter. :) If you need anymore help, please feel free to ask! Hope this helps and have a Happy New Year!
because sometimes you are able to figure to out the poem easily with the reference of an image and a poem at the same time