After the assassination of Luis Carlos Galán, the administration of César Gaviria moved against Escobar and the drug cartels. ... Declaring an end to a series of previous violent acts meant to pressure authorities and public opinion, Escobar surrendered to Colombian authorities in 1991.
Roberto Escobar maintains Pablo fell into the drug business simply because other types of contraband became too dangerous to traffic. As there were no drug cartels then, and only a few drug barons, Pablo saw it as untapped territory he wished to make his own.
E. However, I understood that my level of engagement with these materials was not as profound as it was with primary texts such as Shakespeare’s plays.
Hope this will help
Your voltmeter and your teacher are both right, but the water analogy of electricity can only go so far. One big drawback is that, unlike with water, there is no absolute voltage. .... Wherever you put the black lead is defined as "0V". .... flowing (i.e. the circuit is broken) you will not get this change in voltage.
Bob is just a human like us and feels stuff, its probaly due to his environment and pressures/stress but heck who really knows. Bob is Bob. and that is that.
I'm am so confused by your question