Treaty of Versailles and President Wilson's 14th points.
Both the Treaty of Versailles and 14th points are somewhat related as they both deals with Germany. Both tried to punish Germany because of the First World War which bought deaths and destruction.
Both wanted the return of Alsace Lorraine to France.
The 14th Points by President Wilson were less harsh than the Treaty of Versailles which was imposed by Allied powers with France, Britain, etc.
The 14 points are mainly to establish countries independence in Europe with peace. The treaty focuses on punishing the Germans by putting the blame and reparation terms.
2 religion maybe highly valued by a noble person
1 being involved with kids might be an common aspect
1 nobleman at times might be out doing an skilled structure of some sort or errand or etc.....
Priests served the gods’ needs and, at times, the power of the High Priest of Amun-Ra rivaled pharaoh’s. Pharaoh appointed the priests during early periods but later the posts became hereditary. <span>Scribes, part of the third level of the pyramid, were some of the only people in Egypt who could </span>read and write<span>. They </span>kept the records<span> of the country including the amount of food produced and gifts presented to the gods. </span>
They arrived in 1500BC and developed the grouping of people based on their status and activities in life.