D. Murderers would be the answer to this question
- Psyche must separate a quantity of cereals and group them by species.
- Psyche should look for sheep wool flakes for Venus.
- Psyche should climb a very high and dangerous rock, face the dragons and fill a jar with the dark water that fed two hellish rivers Cocyte and Styx.
- Psyche should go down to the bottom of Hades and ask Persephone for some immortal beauty.
Cupid was a lover of Venus, who was a very vain goddess and adored for her beauty. However, Psyche was such a beautiful motal that men were going from worshiping Venus to worshiping Psyche, which made the goddess very angry and jealous.
Because of this, Venus, sends Cupid with the mission of making Psyche fall in love with the most horrible creature that was on the face of the earth. However, Cupid ends up hitting himself with the arrow and falls in love with Psyche.
He takes psyche to his palace and makes her his wife, but he says she should never look at him. One day, driven by her sisters, Psyche looks at Cupid and falls in love with her beauty. However, disobedience causes cupid to abandon her and makes her, from now on, looking for the love she lost.
Psyche begs the goddess Venus to bring her lover back, as a condition for making this request, the goddess proposes that the psyche perform the following tasks:
- Psyche must separate a quantity of cereals and group them by species.
- Psyche should look for sheep wool flakes for Venus.
- Psyche should climb a very high and dangerous rock, face the dragons and fill a jar with the dark water that fed two hellish rivers Cocyte and Styx.
- Psyche should go down to the bottom of Hades and ask Persephone for some immortal beauty.
In the first task, Psyche had help from the ants to perform them. In the second task, a reed that sprouted from the river taught her to harvest the wool that the sheep left on the branches. In the third task, Zeus' eagle spilled the pitcher with the requested water. And in the last task, he received advice from a tower on how to succeed on his journey and complete the mission.
The Answer to your question is:
"because the author can write the book however they want"
Side note:
"Talking about: chronological written in the order that events occur in real time flashback a change in the storytelling order where the current action flashes back to the past flash forward a change in the storytelling order where the current action flashes to the future"
Quoted answers are NOT Mine. I take NO credit/responsibility for this answer.
Further information / sources may be provided at:
I am only here to help, Not to get into trouble. I hope you understand.
1. The reason Romans invaded and conquered Britan was its abundance of natural resources, especially metal. The author clearly states this as he also states that Britons did mine the metals but not really efficiently. They did not have the technology to exploit the mines to their full potential. Romans with their technology were able to do just that.
2. For Romans, of course this meant that they can now produce the things they needed on much larger scale thanks to the resources provided by their newly conquered territory. Thus as the text states, they used the resources to craft metal coins, tools and numerous weapons that would be used all over the Roman Empire.