<span>If you are going into electrical or mechanical engineering, you will soon find that the method of partial fractions is used not only for finding integrals, but also for analyzing linear differential systems like resonant circuits and feedback-control systems. If you have an interest in these fields, consider taking some extra time now to learn the method of partial fractions well, so you won't have to waste time relearning it when you get to your circuits or linear systems courses.
Bcz they are exaggerating
Brainstorming helps you figure out the things you want to write. It also helps you figure out what order you want to put it in
This technique is persuasive because, in Gordimer’s essay she explains that people of color take the jobs that no white man wants and that they are not allowed in any bar, club, and etc. And that no woman is allowed either. And she does a very good job in explaining what people of color and women went through at the time and how they couldn’t do what white man could. A white man could do jobs that wouldn’t allow any woman or colored person to do. A white man could vote and be seen in a bar and have more freedom and rights than a colored person and a woman could have. And a white man could be in the military or get paid more than a colored person or woman. A black man could vote but, it wouldn’t count and women were not allowed to vote.