Roman styles and ideas are evident throughout the world today. Roman building methods and ideas are seen in many modern buildings. Roman artistic ideas (both visual and literary) are still valued and studied today. Concepts from Roman government have been picked up in our current system. The Roman language influences our language and is used in the fields of science and law.
The Cold War asked the question in which the general public as well as the government decided where to draw the line in between a person and their own personal freedom & <em>personal space</em>, and the general public's safety. The Cold War saw extensive usage of spies and espionage, as well as counter-espionage tactics that included surveillance, counter wire-tapping, etc. With the government listening to almost everything a citizen says, it took away the sense of privacy. The trend is seen even today, where the US government's past record & capability to continue surveillance of the general public makes many wonder whether or not they really have "freedom".
At present, NATO has 30 members. In 1949, there were 12 founding members of the Alliance: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States. The other member countries are Greece and Turkey (1952), Germany (1955), Spain (1982), the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland (1999), Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia (2004), Albania and Croatia (2009), Montenegro (2017) and North Macedonia (2020).
When writing an essay, a writer's best piece of evidence should appear in which paragraph?
In the middle of the introduction and the conclusion.
You want it to be your main point, so the middle of the introduction, but you also want to leave off on a good point. That would be the conclusion.
-Brainly Answerer