How do you think Bush v Gore should have been settled?
At heart of the matter was the infamous "butterfly ballot" which supposedly confused the easily-confounded elderly of Palm Beach county—supposedly to Bush's advantage.
As the confusion wore on and America needed a president A.S.A.P., Florida eventually validated the Bush vote. Additionally, George W.'s brother Jeb Bush was the Florida governor; and, the Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, who officially validated the Bush-vote, had been appointed by Jeb.
The Peninsular War, which resulted from the Napoleonic occupation of Spain, caused Spanish Creoles in Spanish America to question their allegiance to Spain, stoking independence movements that culminated in the wars of independence, which lasted almost two decades.
It strengthened the United States' claim on its territory
It led to the exploration and claim of the Snake River
It gave the United States control of the Columbia River.
Social Life- broadcasting certain news and linking toward society regarding other countries
Family Life- Most families will listen to the radio for the "Current News" together