It dramatizes an issue so that it can no longer be ignored.
United States Soviet Union and United Kingdom singed on it on 5th August 1963 and later it was opened for other countries who wanted to become a signatory
On August 5, 1963, representatives of the United States, Soviet Union and Great Britain signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which prohibited the testing of nuclear weapons in outer space, underwater or in the atmosphere.
All of the statements apply to change the mindset of the people towards minorities, except B. Educating them about the culture of minorities, their importance, making them realise that what they think about minorities is incorrect, Bringing new laws that protect the rights of minorities and support them to grow and stand with other people, will lead to their equal status in the society.
Columbus was an Italian explorer and skilled navigator who convinced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to make a voyage to the west and provide his crew with ships. There he made the discovery of the "New World", which was one not known to anyone in the Eastern side of the world (accept indigenous people who occupied the land at the time).
Therefore, the answer is Spain.
A. Europeans had conducted more exploration in South America than North America.
In 1507 the cartographer Martin Waldseemüller published the first world map in which the newly discovered continent was given the name of america, on this map it is observed that it is completely separated from Asia, which until then was not considered, since it I thought that the new lands discovered were part of the Indians in Asia. It can be seen that the vast majority of what was known of America until then was the southern part.
Waldseemüller, M. (1507) Universalis cosmographia secundum Ptholomaei traditionem et Americi Vespucii aliorumque lustrationes. [Strasbourg, France?: s.n] [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,