<span>In archaeology, absolute dating is most accurate archaeology dating system that can even give a calendar year to the object. It is more dependent on laboratory analysis.
</span><span>Some of the absolute dating methods are :
</span><span>1) Radiocarbon Dating In Archaeology : All living being absorb carbon C12 and some amount of radiocarbon c14. Scientist have record of C14 in different organisms. After death radioactive carbon c14 starts to decay. Scientist compare the lose of c14 with actual amount of C14. the missing amount can determine the date the object to a precise period. Can be used only on organic matter.
</span><span>2) Uranium - Lead Dating Technique In Archaeology: Rocks, that are formed by volcanic reaction or cataclysmic event, contain a small amount of radioactive substance. From the day the rock is formed its radioactivity begins to deplete. Like C14, by measuring the loss, the scientist can determine an age according to known loss rates.
</span><span>3) Luminescence Dating In Archaeology</span>
<span /><span>Artefacts that are formed from crystalline materials and unearthed can be dated using luminescence analysis.Crystalline minerals when burnt in intense heat will produce different colors of flame.Mostly used to date pottery in archaeology.</span>
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- decline in infant mortality
- increased life expectancy
- better health care
- more knowledge about diseases
Over the past one hundred years the global population exploded, experiencing rapid growth. This mostly happened after the end of the World War II. There a re multiple reasons why this has happened, like lack of major wars, improvements in the medical field, improvements in the technology, better living conditions etc. The improvements in the medical field seem to be the detrimental factor, as it managed to significantly reduce the number of infant deaths, the diseases started to be regulated or eliminated, and it contributed to much better quality of life for the people, as well as prolonging their lives by almost twice more.
Two branches of government is the judicial and legislative branch. Both branches deal with laws. However the legislative branch creates these laws and the judicial makes sure they are in effect and are constitutional.
My answer is: Inspections <span>should cover every part of the worksite.</span>