el alcoholismo} provoca situaciones de disfunción familiar, violencia doméstica y deterioro de las relaciones entre los convivientes
Antecedentes familiares de abuso del alcohol u otros problemas de abuso de sustancias.
Exposición al alcohol a una edad temprana.
Antecedentes familiares de enfermedades mentales.
Alta presión arterial, enfermedad cardiaca, accidentes cerebrovasculare
Evite a las personas con las que usted normalmente bebería o los lugares donde tomaría.
Planear actividades que disfrute y que no impliquen beber.
Mantener el alcohol fuera del hogar.
Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity.
Questions are to be framed according to the variance in the given data.
<u>Q1: Why there is no data available for Illinois?</u>
The answer is rather simple in that the state of Illinois did not exist in 1810
<u>Q2: What is the reason of rapid increase in the population in all the states.</u>
States like Ohio saw a massive population boom in the first few decades of the century, primarily due to expansion.
<u>Q3: How come all three states grew in population at a similar rate throughout?</u>
Very similar methods of expansion and population growth must be responsible for these numbers. The socio economic strata being similar also plays a role here.