Most people read in the traditional way, but speed readers claim to have a method that is faster.
This is the correct answer because speed readers are claiming that they have a method that is faster, and it is implied that most people cannot read this fast.
Most people cannot train their eyes to speed read, but some people can figure out how to read more quickly.
This is wrong because the passage never stated that people cannot train their eyes to read more quickly.
Speed readers can understand a lot more text with each glace at the page than most other readers can
While it is mentioned that speed readers can read quicker that other people, the main goal was that companies were proclaiming that they could train people.
Companies continue to try to sell speed reading programs to people who hope to read much faster
This is almost correct, but it is never said in the passage that people WANT to read much faster, just that they can't.
The answer is: C. Romeo is now married to Juliet
I have found interpunction mistakes in lines:
- in ''Something, or somebody I know is worth my time'' There should be no comma interpunction after ''Something''.
- ''When you're broken down, and have the same pain you've felt a thousand times.'' There should be no comma after ''Down''.
Also, another mistake that I have found is in:
- ''Who does good, loves, and never ever lies.'' The mistake here is in ''never ever''. There should be no ''ever'' word because ''never ever'' is creating a tautology.
President Abraham Lincoln