The statement to this question can be given as:
cin >> x1 >> x2 >> x3 >> x4 >> x5;
cout << setw(5) << x1 << "\n" << setw(5) << x2 << "\n" << setw(5) << x3 << "\n" << setw(5) << x4 << "\n" << setw(5) << x5 << "\n";
In the question, it is given that there is 5 integer variable that is x1, x2, x3, x4, and x5. In the above statement, we print the value of the integer variable and the right-justified column with a 5-digit width. In this statement first, we insert the value of the variables then we print the value in 5-digit width within its own line.
Global communication and transportation technologies are an example of a Business Drivers.
Business drivers are the activities and inputs that drive the operational and financial results of any business organization. Communication is a two-way process of sending and receiving Business communication involves flow of information within and outside the company. Global communication is the study of the exchange of information across the globe. Global communication is considered very important for business organizations because individuals from different countries, different languages, cultures, etc must understand one another and express themselves to one another effectively in order to work together. Transportation technology doesn't only involve the transport of people from one place to another but it also involves getting out products from one point to another. It also refers to electronic advancements made for traveling and vehicles. eg GPS device.
Therefore both global communication and transportation technology are examples of business drivers because they drive the operations of the business.
You can learn more about business drivers at
It indicates website accessibility changes.
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- def convertStr(num):
- Number = ("One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine")
- numStr = str(num)
- output = ""
- for x in numStr:
- index = int(x) - 1
- output += Number[index] + " "
- return output
- value = 1234
- print(convertStr(value))
Firstly, create a function convertStr that take one input number (Line 1).
This function convert the input number to string (Line 3) and then use for-loop to traverse through the individual digit (Line 6). In the loop, get the target index to extract the corresponding digit letter from the Number tuple(Line 7). The target index is always equal to the current digit number - 1. Next, join the extracted digit letter from the tuple to an output string (Line 8) and return it at the end of the function (Line 10).
We test the function using 1234 as argument (Line 12 - 13) and we shall get One Two Three Four