Hypertonic solution: higher concentration outside of cell = lower water potential = water exits cell, cell shrink (crenated-animal cell, flaccid/plasmolysed-plant cell)
Hypotonic solution: lower concentration outside cell =higher water potential = water enters cell, cell swell (animal cell - burst,plant cell - turgid)
I would say almost all types of muscles. Skeletal, cardiac, or smooth, they all need neurons. Without them, it could cause flaccid and spastic paralysis, or other types of diseases.
Monosaccharides are simple sugars with a basic formula Cⁿ (H2O)ⁿ. They are classified according to the number of carbon atoms they contain: tetroses (4), pentoses (5) and hexoses (6). There are also mosaccharides with 3 carbon atoms, for example the Dihydroxyacetone.
Monosaccharides have to be aldehydes (-CHO) or ketones (-COO) with more than one alcohol function, which will be located in different carbons.