The correct answer for tis question is true, to this day there is not an specific fact on what happened that cause the deat of Glenn Miller.
However, through out the years there has been a few theories on the cause of the accident. One of them is that the enginee failed and as well another theory is that the pilot did not know how to manage the aircraft correctly.
The Republican Party stated that slavery would not be allowed to spread any further into the territories
Option C
George Washington believed that the nation did not need any allies and hence it must remain neutral in the war especially when the war is between France and Britain. Most of his cabinet members such as Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were against the war.
George also wants to restore national unity and hence he wanted USA to be away from foreign agendas of other countries.
Most of the cultural art forms of Native Americans were created and given the symbols of animals that they normally deal with in their daily life. Their arts also revolved around the common objects of their day to day life. They see human life related to these animal forms. The cultural art of the native American uses art as a way of expression of their way of life which was existed and was developed thousands of years ago.
The Tlingit cultures also expresses their meaning of life through nature, they express how nature plays an important part in their life. The Tales of Raven are unique to the Tlingit culture. This shows their believe in the sun, moon and the stars and how Raven steals the sun, moon and stars from head of Nass river.
The ancient Pueblo cultures, which flourished around 100 to 1600 AD is an ancient civilization if the Native Americans. This civilization is also known as Anasazi. Dan Namingha and Roxanne Swentzell expresses their view of life through pictures and art forms.