The correct answer for the given question is " input validation"
Input validation is also known as data validation which is used for validate or test the user input .
The example of input validation in c++ programming
#include <iostream> // header file
using namespace std;
int main() // main function
int a1; // variable declarartiomn
cout << "Enter the age: ";
cin >> a1;
if(a1> 18) // validate user input
cout << "You are eligible for vote :";
return 0;
In this program we input a age from user and validate this user input that .If user enter age > 18 then it will eligible for vote.
You are eligible for vote
d) b and c are both true.
The purpose of def keyword in python is to indicate start the function and it also indicates that the piece of code following the def keyword is to stored so that it can later be used in the program.
For ex:
def check(n):
if n==10:
return True
return False
n=int(input("Enter an integer\n"))
if check(n):
print("n is 10")
print("n is not 10")
In the above written code the function check is defined by using the keyword def.It also tells the interpreter to store the code because we will need it in future.
A closed network<span> is a network confined to sites on internal web servers and only available to individuals within an organization.</span>
"is-a" relationship is used to indicate that a derived class belongs to the family of base class.
IS-A relationship based on Inheritance, which can be of two types Class Inheritance or Interface Inheritance.
"is-a" relationship is used to indicate that a derived class belongs to the family of base class. For example vehicle is a class which belongs to car base class.
Any derived class that extends base class have " is-a " relation ship with base class
Any class that implement an interface also has " is-a " relation ship" with the interface