are u in HS or college work
I am trying to understand
Definition - What does CONFIG. ... SYS is a configuration file on DOS systems. It is a text file that contains the settings and commands to load drives in a DOS system. This is a primary configuration file for OS/2 and DOS OS. This file was introduced in DOS and is replaced for 32-bit Windows versions with CONFIG.
The answer is SOPA or Stop Online Piracy Act. This bill was introduced by Lamar Smith a representative in US. Lamar passed this bill in the United states to enforce the law to combat online copyright, online trafficking, and other cyber crimes. There are many provisions on this bill including the court orders to request ISP (Internet Service Provided) to block access to that website.
1. Portfolios, folders, or drives
2. To make small touch ups and enhance your photos
3. People can steal your photos
4. Because they are trying to capture a story in a photo, and others can change the original intent of their work.
decide how a website should look and
test a software program to ensure that the visual elements are working
i just did it