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There is an agreement of price and quantity in the market therefore all market forces stabilized and reached a price that consumers are willing to pay for goods and producers a price at which they are willing to produce in order to make a profit
Formed 5/15/1869 in NY. It was formed because Susan B Anthony & Elizabeth Stanton opposed the 15th Amendment unless it included the vote for women.
The fastest way to communicate across continents in the 1500s was by ship. If you wanted to bring a certain message across a continent than there was no faster way than actually sending it on a ship and waiting for the ship to arrive safely to the other continent.
Civil rights activists, known for their fight against social injustice and their lasting impact on the lives of all oppressed people, include Martin Luther King Jr, Harriet Tubman etc. They protested to be treated equally regardless, race, gender or SKIN COLOR.