The charecteers are not fully develuped
Because eventually Portugal became wealthy and so he went and traveled to India
unit bias
Bias: The term bias is defined as the propensity of an individual to get involved in taking action or to make decisions irrationally.
Unit bias: In psychology, the term unit bias is referred to as the propensity of an individual to desire to fulfill or complete a particular task or an item. An individual tends to complete the portion of work he or she is supposed to irrespective of size and create a perception to complete that satisfies him or her.
This is Dodd-Frank Act
This Act carries a whistleblowing assistance to inspire those with authentic data and evidence about security violations to report them to the government wherein whistleblowers will receive a monetary prize.
Dodd-Frank formed the CFPB or Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to safeguard the consumers from huge, unsupervised banks and merge the consumer security responsibilities. It also works with officials in large banks to avoid dangerous business methods that eventually hurt consumers. This control provides access to consumers a precise information about loans and credit scores.