Well, you can’t hear me so the comma helps and puts a little space in reading the same sentence, a momentary pause. I’m from Texas; I’m not a Cowboy (semi colon is used for a cause and effect sentence). Wow! That’s so cool! Exclamation marks add emphasis
I therefore conclude that Learning from our mistakes and always conducting a positive attitude is the key to success. Having the confidence and optimistic attitude towards situations gradually helps you reach your goals.
The question concerns about the novel titled "Mules and Men", an autoethnographical book written by Zora Neale Hurston. The book presents various folklore of African society, collected from Florida and New Orleans.
In the text, Zora takes on various role as a speaker reflecting her belief in presenting multiple viewpoints. In her collected folklores, she presents various viewpoints, therefore, by taking various roles in the passage she is reflecting her belief of multiple viewpoints.
Thus option C is correct.
The one-child per family policy
To contain its surging population which rose to over a billion, the Chinese government issued the one-child per family policy in 1979. This policy required that every Chinese family would apply for a family planning certificate once the wife became pregnant for the first child.
This policy was effective in curbing the overgrowing population, however, this resulted in a labor force that lacked youths and a population that had more of aged people. In 2016, the Chinese government revoked this policy, thus allowing families to have up to two children.