Europe bases its economy on different economic activities. Though some of these activities are similar throughout the continent, Western Europe and Eastern Europe tend to have different focus areas. Western Europe bases much of its economic activities on service industries such as banking, trade, finance, and technology. Western Europe also manufactures products such as pharmaceuticals, automobiles, and aerospace crafts and technologies. Eastern Europe tends to focus on consumer goods and food processing. Agriculture and industry are more widespread in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe. Eastern Europe is working to shift its economy from a command economy to a mixed market, and it is beginning to add more and more service industries throughout the region.
I believe the answer is: economically privileged youth are more likely than their less privileged peers to define their activities as fun and not work.
In general, economically privileged youth experience less to no hardship compared to the less privileged youth. This make them much more likely tobe able to see various events in front of them as something fun and not work since they know that they always have some sort of safety net that guard them if they fail.
Structural functionalism is body and mind