While researchers have discovered that there are an excessive number of receptor sites for dopamine, it is not the only neurotransmitter involved in schizophrenia.
the name porifera means pore bearer in latin. a sponges body is covered by a skin, one cell thick. this skin has lots of small pores ad a few large openings. the small openings are the entrances to a complex system of channels. these collar cells pump water through the entire sponge and filter out food for the sponge cell to eat
Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless gas that is naturally present in the air as a result of the natural carbon cycle of our planet. While emissions come from many natural sources, it is the CO2 produced by manmade processes such as fossil fuel combustion and power plant emissions that are problematic. This, in combination with the destruction of natural carbon dioxide sinks through deforestation, is creating an unhealthy environment on our planet and contributing significantly to climate change. here are other things still that can be done to help improve our carbon dioxide situation, even if they aren't tasks the average person can control. For example, as a society, we must continue to push for improved technology in our power plants, so our energy consumption does not produce as much waste. Improving technology will also help more directly with how much electricity we use. Appliances and electronics are more efficient now than they have ever been in the past, but we should always strive for better regardless.
Doing your individual part may not seem like much in the grand scheme of things, but if everyone does their best, it will eventually add up to a significant improvement in the fight against climate change.
Bacteriaciltous is what I'd try to learn I love the complexity