Where are we ?
We look at Pierre.
We are blond.
It's midnight.
We are in San Francisco.
Ok here I go. That was sentence one by the way. I wish to etre like bakugo. But not really. Because I am me.
Is this good (*≧∀≦*)
The easiest way that I could remember those things are past means its behind you, present is what your doing now, and imperfect tense is kinda like the past one. I hope that I help you.
Answer:Consommer moins de sel, de glucides, de graisses saturées et de gras trans générés industriellement tout en adoptant une alimentation diversifiée
1. Papa va vider le lave-vaisselle
2. Diallo et moi, nous allons nettoyer la table
3. Maman va faire la cuisine
4. Je vais débarrasser la table
5. Diallo va faire son lit
6. Papa, est-ce que tu vas faire la lessive?
1. Dad is going to empty the dish-washer
2. Diallo and I are going to clean the table
3. Mom is going to do the cooking
4. I am going to clear the table
5. Diallo is going to make his bed
6. Dad, are you going to do the laundry?