The American colonists greatly benefited from having allies during the American Revolution. One of America's most prominent allies was France. France sent over supplies, troops, money, and individuals like Marquis De Lafayette to help the colonists. Lafayette played a critical role in America's success, as he helped the colonists to develop battle strategies along with general organization skills. The colonists also received help from Prussian General Baron Von Steuben. Stueben tought the colonists how to use bayonets at the end of their guns and helped to create sanitary conditions in colonial camps.
The Grand Canal was a technology and public project under Yangdi that helped unite China, but it should be noted that there were other things as well.
I hope this helps!
Good day to you.
some of the cold war major events are
-Berlin airlift
-Korean war
-soviet Afghan war
-cuban missiles crisis
-Vietnam war
About 59 years, he’s birth on 1962
To start with you can do.....
Dear family,
i am joining the confederate army because i need more money and i thought i would the family i wont becoming back in a while but i will be vivisiting tell all my chindren i love them tell my wife i love her.<span>First I think you need to understand that I in no way support the abhorrent institution that was Slavery in the United States prior to the ratification of the 13th amendment. However it did exist and was guaranteed by law and the Constitution. No this did not make it right, but there it is. Reading literature of the time and many political speeches you find it referred to in many veiled ways.i really hope you understand i love you all.
- from blah blah blah</span>