The responsibility of driving is a lot for younger drivers because they don't have experience. Younger drivers get distracted the most. Kids under 18 want to impress their friends and in an attempt to do so may crash. Phones are very popular with children under 18 and they are more likely to use it while driving. To top it off, kids under 18 like to drive fast and don't have the reaction time of adults.
In the rule of law, everyone has to follow the same laws without exceptions. Anarchy and oligarchy are not based on the rule of law by definition, because anarchy implies lack of organised society and oligarchy is governing for only the advantage of the wealthy. Although monarchy can be constitutional, in monarchies, the monarch can be both above the law and able to enact laws, preventing the rule of law. The same applies to democracy, with the exception that instead of the monarch, the majority of poeple enacts laws. Only the republic is intrinsicially based on the rule of law: in an ideal republic, the the law is above the interests of any particular societal group, but is enacted to safequard the rights of all groups, who are all obliged to obey it.
The Pennsylvania colony encouraged the conversion of Native Americans to Christianity. The Pennsylvania colony established the Anglican Church as the head of the government. The Pennsylvania colony sought to exclude the practice of Christianity. The Pennsylvania colony was tolerant of different sects of Christianity
Because it agreed to give up claims on Mexico
good luck
they are all located there