The event at 11N. Elm was significant for Montag. Here he meets Mrts. Blake, the owner of the house filled with books that they have to burn. She is adamant not to leave her house and books. Before she gets burned with her books, the woman said the quote "Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out." This line is very significant because the woman wants to imply that may her death serve as the spark that will light up a revolution against the government and their stamping out of free thinking. She wants to serve as an example on why she is willing to sacrifice her life for her beliefs. It is significant in understanding fahrenheit 451 because it is the turning point for the protagonist Montag to finally go with his principles and go against the government.
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Obliterate- destroy entirely.
Politic- advantageous at the moment.
Tedious- involving a lot of detail work.
Venturesome- willing to take risks.
Tumult- disorder.
Callous- offensively insensitive.
The given words and their meanings are given as follows-
Obliterate- This means to remove or destroy someone or something completely. It means complete annihilation, destruction.
Politic- It means something that is advantageous for the moment, meaning temporarily or momentarily useful.
Tedious- Tedious is hard work, the act of doing something sincerely and in a detailed manner.
Venturesome- It refers to someone who is willing to take risks, not afraid to take the path others haven't.
Tumult- It means a disorderly or problematic situation., something that is in disarray, unrest, confusion.
Callous- It refers to someone who is rude, rough, with no sympathy. It is used for someone who has no heart, patience, or cold-hearted.
C. Passively digest the passage without effort. This is because it’s not critical reading if you don’t put in effort to interpret what happened.