In procedural text, the people do not know how to do the task. You have to make sure that they understand it. Another thing you need to consider is the age range. Is this going to be written to kids or adults? Kids will need simpler steps, whereas adults do not. Good luck, I hope this helps!
When the boys start to boo louder, they dismiss the power of the conch, effectively symbolizing their dismissal of a civil society. "The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist." (Golding 181) This quote describes Piggy's death.
Nature, emotions, imagination, individuality, intuition
central idea of "the Lamb"
Hi, Mom. Can I please go back to school? If I went back to school there would be a better chance of me paying attention, because while I'm at home, there is a lot of distractions. Good luck!