<span>EBSCOhost correlates with newer periodicals and journals. Where as the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature covers earlier print editions of publications from 1890 to 1982. Therefore, EBSCOhost can be more useful if one was searching for more current data. Also, EBSCOhost has the Reader's Guide to Periodicals in its database.</span>
<span>It is unclear exactly who asked Martin Luther King for help but it was someone within the Albany Civil Rights movement. However, the involvement of Luther King angered the SNCC, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.</span>
She uses D.Pathos. She's using an emotional approach to her students. She's not using data or statistics to prove her point. She is also not talking about being morally right.
It’s a saying...
D falls into the “pans” category