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Control Group: Group that is being controlled .This group doesn´t receive the treatment from the researchers
Experimental Group:Group that is being Experimented and that receives the testing
They will compete with other shellfish and clams and hurt their populations.
A.Transmission electron microscopes are a versatile tool for many fields, including medicine, biology, nanotechnology, metallurgy, forensics, electronics, material science, and much more. A biologist might use a TEM to look at the internal structure of a cell.
b. Industries including microelectronics, semiconductors, medical devices, general manufacturing, insurance and litigation support, and food processing, all use scanning electron microscopy as a way to examine the surface composition of components and products.
c.Brightfield Microscope is used in several fields, from basic biology to understanding cell structures in cell Biology, Microbiology, Bacteriology to visualizing parasitic organisms in Parasitology. Most of the specimens to viewed are stained using special staining to enable visualization.
d.A dissecting microscope is used to view three-dimensional objects and larger specimens, with a maximum magnification of 100x. This type of microscope might be used to study external features on an object or to examine structures not easily mounted onto flat slides.