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Gravity is a force which causes objects to fall or be still on the earth's surface. This invisible force has been longed explored mainly by many scientist however, Isaac Newton was first to conceptualize this into a proper principle.
GravityLight is a device that was recently developed by engineers that is designed to produce light through the force of gravity.
Warm air is cooling quickly.
Hot air rises and cool air sinks.
The follicular phase
In the follicular phase the level of estrogen hormone increases and the egg prepares itself for release. This phase occur between the first day of period and the ovulation. When the primary follicle matures and form secondary follicle, second meiotic division starts and lead to the formation of Graafian follicle which contains a secondary oocytes. Seconday oocytes consists of a diploid DNA and is not released until the second division is not complete.
The skull of a bird looks similar to that of a young dinosaur when they are at their embryo stage.
Bird's skull at their embryo stage looks like young dinosaur's skull. This feature gives evidence of their evolution and their ancestors. The surviving member of the feathered dinosaur family are the birds. The unique skull shape of a bird shaped like a beaker with a dome like cranial resembles with the non-flying ancient dinosaurs. This phenomenon is often named as psuedomorphism. In this phenomenon, these features of the ancestor at its embryo stage is retained by its predecessors.