We know that you need 18 teaspoons of weed killer and 3 gallons of water. We can represent this as a fraction as 18/3. We can simplify this fraction. 18/3 simplified is 6/1. Next, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by 4. (6*4 is 24.) This gives us 24/4. This means that for 24 teaspoons of weed killer, we need 4 gallons of water.
Um i dont know, to be honest. Wait this is yesterday
its A observational study
Step-by-step explanation:
I think it is 494 if not i'm sorry let me know.
Answer and Explanation:
To find : Convert the given units ?
Solution :
a) 2.5 km to mm

b) 0.05 cm to mm

c) 200.5 g to kg

d) 0.03 tone into g

e) 3.0412 sec into hour