The belief in magic has now been lessened by science.
Active -> Passive voice
B. Foreshadowing is like saying on for instance page 4 of a book. "He looked at me, but oh, if looks could <u>kill</u>!"
"Kill, in this instance, fits the context perfectly. HOWEVER, on page 93, if the character dies from that man ^ killing her, which it hinted in the previous pages unknowingly to some, then that is classified as foreshadowing.
c. irene is old-fashioned
After Thanksgiving, Kevin and Gamal use the turkey’s wishbone to make a wish. If Kevin pulls on it with a force 0.17 N larger than the force Gamal pulls with in the opposite direction and the wishbone has a mass of 13 g, what is the wi on it with a force 0.17 N larger than the force Gamal pulls with in the opposite direction and the wishbone has a mass of 13 g, what is the wishbone’s initial acceleration?
After Thanksgiving, Kevin and Gamal use the turkey’s wishbone to make a wish. If Kevin pulls on it with a force 0.17 N larger than the force Gamal pulls with in the opposite direction and the wishbone has a mass of 13 g, what is the wishbone’s initial acceleration
To remember information
To ask important questions
To organize their thoughts
To summarize main points
"To practice perfect grammar" is incorrect. Notes are often phrases that are sentence fragments and may have incorrect grammar.
Notes should not be a word for word record of what was said. They should be a summary with important points.
To publish for other students is probably incorrect because the other four options I picked are definitely correct.