Marguerite de Navarre’s tale of
the Spanish widow is typical of a northern tale because it lays emphasis on Pessimism
and Doubt about religious institution like churches. The significance of
religious institution is far more widely held in southern states, whereas the northerners
are far more predisposed to the teaching from the enlightenment period. From
this, we can safely conclude that the tale has northern characteristics.
MAIN- Militerism, Alliance, Imperialism and Nationalism are the four aspects on which war starts. WW1 happens before the Great Depression so The Great Depression was the result of WW1. WW1 caused many economic problems that affected the civilians since they had to work harder and pay more so they could barely eat. Other countries were also affected as the country wasn’t producing more benefits. So the country couldn’t trade resulting in even more lost of money .
Hernán Cortés fu un conquistatore ed esploratore spagnolo che sconfisse gli Aztechi e rivendicò il Messico per la Spagna. ... Cortés ha allineato strategicamente alcuni popoli nativi contro altri e alla fine ha rovesciato il vasto e potente impero azteco.