El tejido en las plantas vasculares que circula líquido y nutrientes.
El sistema vascular, también llamado sistema circulatorio, está formado por los vasos que transportan sangre y linfa a través del cuerpo. Las arterias y las venas transportan sangre por todo el cuerpo, entregando oxígeno y nutrientes a los tejidos del cuerpo y eliminando los desechos de tejido.
The directed movement of substances, into, out of or within a cell, either in a vascular tissue or in the vascular membrane.
The main roles of plant stems and roots are to transport substances around the plant. They have two types of transport systems – xylem and phloem . Xylem transports water and minerals. Phloem transports sugars and amino acids dissolved in water.
hope it helps because there is not any issue of transport , and if my answer i s not supportable comment i will provid emore information.
Sphenoid bone spans the width of the cranial floor; keystone of the cranium because its central wedge articulates with every other cranial bone. Unlimited access.