The answer is 1858......Is that one of your options
The main Muckraker journalists were Upton Sinclair, Jacob Riis, Ida B. Wells, and Ida Tarbell.
Further Explanation:
The word Muckraker was given to progressive investigative writers by then President Roosevelt. He used the term for the first time in his speech "The Man With the Muck Rake." He believed that some of the journalists were being to zealous in their reporting.
There were numerous famous Muckraker journalist throughout history. Some of the most well-known are listed below.
- Florence Kelley
- Ray Stannard Baker
- Upton Sinclair
- Jacob Riis
- Ida B. Wells
- Lincoln Steffens
- John Spargo
These journalists were known for writing about corruption both in political circles and business circles. They exposed many leaders as being corrupt and numerous corrupt institutions. They wrote for large magazines, newspapers and many wrote their own books.
Learn more about the Muckrakers at
The correct answer is slavery
Slavery, is the social practice in which a human being acquires property rights over another called a slave, to whom this condition is imposed by force.
In some societies, since the most distant times, slaves were legitimately defined as a product. Prices changed according to physical conditions, professional skills, sex, age, origin and destination.
When we speak of slavery, it is difficult not to think of the Europeans who overcrowded the holds of their ships of men brought from Africa regardless of their wills and who were put up for sale in an inhuman and cruel manner throughout America.
Born in 1863, Henry Ford was the first surviving son of William and Mary Ford, who owned a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan. At 16, he left home for the nearby city of Detroit, where he found apprentice work as a machinist. He returned to Dearborn and work on the family farm after three years, but continued to operate and service steam engines and work occasional stints in Detroit factories. In 1888, he married Clara Bryant, who had grown up on a nearby farm.In the first several years of their marriage, Ford supported himself and his new wife by running a sawmill. In 1891, he returned with Clara to Detroit, where he was hired as an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company. Rising quickly through the ranks, he was promoted to chief engineer two years later. Around the same time, Clara gave birth to the couple’s only son, Edsel Bryant Ford. On call 24 hours a day for his job at Edison, Ford spent his irregular hours on his efforts to build a gasoline-powered horseless carriage, or automobile. In 1896, he completed what he called the “Quadricycle,” which consisted of a light metal frame fitted with four bicycle wheels and powered by a two-cylinder, four-horsepower gasoline engine.
The code of Hammurabi states an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
So based on this we could say that the type of law this inspired is civil law