Three causes for the emergence of large cities in China during the early 20th Century were:
1. Stopping foreign trade
2. Raise of industries and commerce
3. Development of an intellectual class
Leonardo da Vinci was an architectural artist who was so famous for his designs for buildings, bridges, and even whole cities. Hence this made people ran into creating models of da Vinci’s designs.
Da Vinci painted Mona Lisa so that the eyes are the focal point of the watcher's consideration and the mouth is the fringe. Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance painter, stone carver, designer, creator, military specialist, and sketcher. His drawings give us a thought of the operations of a structure, not simply its outward appearance. His plans for structures incorporate glorious mansions, houses of prayer, and estates.
He utilized his profound investigation of feathered creatures and bats to devise a flying machine, or Ornithopter, in which an individual would be lashed into a lot of wooden wings that they would have the option to fold to keep up high. Da Vinci was the primary individual to plan a defensively covered tank. While working for the Duke of Milan, he made a shielded war machine, total with 36 firearms to be driven by eight men.
The Constitution was written
The rule of law, defended by an independent judiciary, plays a crucial function by ensuring that civil and political rights and civil liberties are safe and that the equality and dignity of all citizens are not at risk.
If you had to choose a characterization of the social rebellion and
struggles for civil rights in the sixties and seventies in the US, one
option would be "peaceful," since although there were indeed some
violent protests, most of them were remarkably non-violent--as those
pursued by people like Martin Luther King Jr.