Answer: No, he did not. The decayed remains that the police found weighed 66 pounds. Since McCandless had weighed nearly 170 lbs when he left the Lower 48, he had lost nearly 100 pounds in the four months that he was camping on Bus 142.
Edna Pontellier was a controversial character. She upset many nineteenth century expectations for women and their supposed roles. One of her most shocking actions was her denial of her role as a mother and wife. Kate Chopin displays this rejection gradually, but the concept of motherhood is major theme throughout the novel.
Edna is fighting against the societal and natural structures of motherhood that force her to be defined by her title as wife of Leonce Pontellier and mother of Raoul and Etienne Pontellier, instead of being her own, self-defined individual. Through Chopin’s focus on two other female characters, Adele Ratignolle and Mademoiselle Reisz, Edna’s options of life paths are exhibited.
These women are the examples that the men around Edna contrast her with and from whom they obtain their expectations for her. Edna, however, finds both role models lacking and begins to see that the life of freedom and individuality that she wants goes against both society and nature. The inevitability of her fate as a male-defined creature brings her to a state of despair, and she frees herself the only way she can, through suicide.
Dearest great-granddaughter,
I have been through thick and thin, hardships and moments I will remember forever. I am passing this on to you, for I know I may die soon but you will surely live on to the 2000th century. Below is enclosed the changes I have been through and advice to help you through them in the future.
Wars are awful,terrible,terrible things; it hurts the lives of many. As soon as you think everything is better it gets worse again. You find everything around you crashing down. My advice on this is: stay strong and believe in what you know is right. Military has never been an easy topic. I cry for fear of what may happen to you, but no matter what, STAY STRONG. This is important no matter what.
All through your life, you will find people changing and growing into different lifestyles. This is okay. Culture is meant to change, my dear. Choose what you feel is right and live it out with all your might. Culture is what makes us unique. We all have at least a little bit of variation.
Now for science and technology. Oh, the times, they are changing! It seems every day a new man finds a solution to a problem he has been searching for for years! First, it was that man Thomas Edison, presenting the light bulb and now W.H. Carrier patents the design of the air conditioner! Oh, I'm sure soon there will be a different type of telephone and all these fascinating things to imagine! I do wish I could watch it all, but I'm afraid my days are numbered.
I love you, dear, and I hope that this will help you find your way through life. Embrace the bad things that happen, so you can love the good things even more. I love you with all my heart.
With Love,