The right answer is the size.
Crystallization is the operation that consists, of a solution (solvent + solute) or a molten solid, to form a crystallized solid. The solute crystallizes in general in a predefined geometrical form (cubic, face-centered cubic, etc.), including or not solvent molecules (eg pure NA2SO4 or [Na2SO4, 10H2O]). The form or chemical formula of the crystals may depend on the crystallization temperature.
There are two ways of crystallization: The dry way and the wet way (in solution)
In crystallization in solution: the solute is initially in the liquid phase in a solvent. It is crystallized (solidification ordered according to a regular structure) within the solution either by solvent evaporation, or by cooling the solution, or both.
I might be concerned about the milk because it has been modified, but If the cow is completely healthy, than the milk should be fine, too. My only concerns would be if the genetic modifying might effect the milk in a strange way.
Two ureters.
These narrow tubes carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Muscles in the ureter walls continually tighten and relax forcing urine downward, away from the kidneys. If urine backs up, or is allowed to stand still, a kidney infection can develop.
a complex organic substance present in living cells, especially DNA or RNA, whose molecules consist of many nucleotides linked in a long chain.
Answer: 100mL sucrose solution and 900mL water
Explanation: sucrose solution is 500 mM, i.e. 500mmol/L
water is 0mmol/L
To get 50mmol/L we need 1/10 L of sucrose solution = 100mL
and made up to 1L with water