Mutation occurred in ribosome binding site that serves as binding site for 30S ribosomal subunit of <em>E. coli</em> and allows the process of protein synthesis to begin.
The initiation of protein synthesis in bacteria requires binding of the ribosome to the ribosome binding site. The ribosome binding site in bacteria consists of the initiation codon "AUG" and the preceding Shine-Dalgarno sequence. The AUG initiation codon and Shine Delgrano sequence are around 10 bases apart.
The sequence is polypurine hexamer and is represented by 5' ...AGGAGG...3'. Shine-Delgrano sequence is complementary to the conserved sequence present at the 3' end of 16SrRNA of the 30S subunit of the bacterial ribosome. Binding of Shine Delgrano sequence of ribosome binding site and the complementary sequence of the 30S ribosomal subunit marks the first step in the initiation of protein synthesis.
Any mutation in the ribosome binding site would not allow the process of protein synthesis to start or would reduce the rate of the initiation of protein synthesis.
Hello, Leah082656. There are many heated arguments over discussing stem cell research because of these two moral principals: the duty to prevent or alleviate suffering and the duty to respect the value of human life. In order to get embryonic stem cells, the embryo has to be destroyed. Although this is a huge controversial problem, by researching this could actually save and treat many other people. Some people are for it because it saves multiple people in the process, and some do not like this because it is killing an embryo. Whatever your stance is on this debate, these are the two sides that people debate over. I hope I helped!! Have a great day. :)
La razón por la que a partir de los núcleos de las células del intestino de un renacuajo albino, se obtuvieron ranas albinas en lugar de células intenstinales, es que fué un experimento de clonación.
Este experimento realizado por John Gurdon en 1960, se conoce también como transferencia nuclear, y demostró que la información hereditaria guardada en el núcleo celular, es suficiente para generar un nuevo organismo y permanece integra durante el desarrollo de células diferenciadas debido a sus señales citoplásmicas.