I believe it would depend if she got hurt in the area of the pancreas.
You need to add what the prompts are
Major Changes in health care (overall)
Starting off there has been many technology based changes in health care which is one of the most largest advancements mankind has reached. Also the protection of personal and medical matters have also improved such as Health Information Act based in Canada which implies and establishes the medical boundaries and the protection of privacy emplaced for a patient.
How have these changes impacted Florida compared to nationally
These impacted not only Florida but many other countries as well. In Florida Social Security Amendments which was the act of how Medicare was established and how it benefited seniors over the age of 65 by covering their hospitalization. Comparing this act nationally each nation has their own set of guidelines that may or may not somehow relate to this act. For example in India their is something similar to this as their insurance providers would cover the cost but the problem is to choose the right senior insurance plan.
intentional grounding
A smart player uses this technique when he realizes that none of his wide receivers or tight ends are far enough from a defender to safely throw the ball to.
Answer 1.C) Making a fire escape plan
Answer 2. Situation
Answer 1)The first reason to be safety conscious is health,second is insurance and third is gaining the peace of mind.
Answer 2) Ist link is situation which can be changed to break the chain( eg. someone is running late for work so he rushed outside the car).
second link is unsafe habit can be changed to break the chain( eg. he didn't keep the ice scraper in the car and didn't war up the car ahead of time).
Third is unsafe action can be changed(eg he drove off in his car with frost still covering the windshield).
Fourth link is accident which can be prevented by changing any of the three links(eg. He hits another car because he didn't see its coming).