The answer is D. The country will fall apart without it.
the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. Explanation:
in a forest a match can be used to make fire, fire can be used for protection from wild animals, warmth, cooking and the most important of all is how you can be seen from afar..
you're lost in a forest? use your match to burn some plants or a dried tree, the burnt greens make a lot of smoke that can be seen from afar and it the rate of your survival increases a lot!!
B. Denied any wrongdoing and tried to blame the motives of their critics
According to "Food Nation," manure gets into the meat at slaughterhouses because the stomachs and intestines of animals are not discarded correctly, and the knives of slaughterhouse workers are not cleaned often enough. As a result, after the E.coli epidemic 1992, inspectors would test each case of meat delivered to restaurants for the existence of pathogens.